Hi, I'm Jasmine and this is my A2 Media Studies Blog, anything found here is my own creative genius...unless stated otherwise. So read and enjoy! :)

Saturday 24 December 2011

Neoprimitivism: the new era of -ism

Okay so I was doing some research on Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland for my chosen case study when I found an article talking about what comes after Postmodernism. It's actually quite interesting so I thought i might put up the link. If you want to check out the blog the URL is http://www.whatcomesafterpostmodern.com/apps/blog/

But as for the article I'll past some of it on and leave a link to the rest of it on the culture blog here it is :

Kimberly Pratt, December 2010 

If members of the "civilized world" are to survive and not to perish—either way taking the rest of the world along with with us—we must come to consciously understand what we used to know but have almost forgotten, and what many of the peoples who have almost-been-destroyed still mostly remember. And, even more importantly, we must all practice it.
 If the modern is, literally, “the new,” and the postmodern is, literally, “the after-new,” then where are we to go from here? 
 At worst, we seem to have painted ourselves into a semantical corner—at least by the standards of logic and reason that have come to define Western Civilization since Descartes established the basis for modern science in the 1500s (effectively dividing mind-body-spirit for the remainder of the millennium), and the modern paradigm began to dominate most other aspects of an increasingly dominant Western culture around the early 1800s.
 At best, however, this quandary suggests an opportunity to develop and apply a new method of reasoning that will both help define, and itself represent, the characteristics of the next great intellectual epoch, which apparently is already upon us.

Read more on this article at:  http://www.whatcomesafterpostmodern.com/searchofneoprimitive.htm